s6 with OpenRC

Usually OpenRC is paired with SysVinit in almost all of it’s implementations, it is however possible to combine OpenRC with other init systems such as s6. So what is the difference between SysVinit, OpenRC, and s6? Well first off, let’s discuss what an init is. The boot process for a standard GNU/Linux system is as Read More …

Estructuras de Datos

Estructuras de Datos is a program that visually demonstrates various data structures to aid students in understanding how the data is stored in each structure. The program is written in Java using the javafx visual framework to handle windows and graphics. The data structures that the program currently demonstrates are arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, Read More …


jvon is a web/mobile app designed to help students to learn programming from a low level language based on the John Von Neumann machine architecture. The project was conceived for the Universidad del Bío Bío and is currently used to teach the basics of programming to 3 different majors at the University. The basic idea Read More …